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What is Content Marketing?

The term 'content' isn't new at all, in fact, we've been around content as the same length as the history of human race. Even before iphone/smartphones, cell. phones, computers, fax, telephone, television, radio, letter writing, books, we, human, always had a way to communicate and connect with others, sharing information and telling stories.


That is exactly what content marketing is about.  Content marketing is about story telling. Content marketing is about sharing information that is important and valuable to your targeted audience.  Content marketing is about giving your audience an emotional experience through your story.  Content marketing is about how you connect with your audience.  Content marketing is about the process of creating the connection between you and your audience beyond just facebook likes or twitter retweets.  

Why Visual Content Can Boost Your

Brand/Awareness better?

Online video is blowing up!!  Each day, 100 million Americans watch online video.  85% of US internet users viewed some type of online video content.  By 2016, online video could account for 50% of all internet traffic!  Why not take an advantage of the power of video content marketing! 

People only remember 10% of what they hear, 20% of what they read and 80% of what they see & do!  Further more, 83% of human learning is VISUAL and people can process VISUALs 60X faster than text.  With a well-planned and designed visual contnent, it's just simply easier and faster to achieve your goals!

Content marketing is about telling your stories.  Stories trigger our emotional responses and because of the effect, stories insipire people to take more actions than ordinary marketing methods.  "Content builds relationships.  Relationships are built on trust.  Trust drives revenue."  by Andrew Davis.

Media Content Marketing 

Simply we're great story tellers. Your story tellers.

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