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Online Content Marketing

Tool Boxes

Content Marketing for Small Businesses by Google




Content Marketing Starter Tool Box includes:


  • Website Analysis 

  •  SEO/SEM Analysis   

  • Social Media Analysis  

  • Google AdWords evaluation*                               *Active Google Adwords account required 

Content Marketing Strategy Tool Box Includes:
Online Marketing Strategy Plans for Website, SEO and Social Media (based on collected data, analytics, evaluation conducted by our team).
Content Marketing Ultimate Tool Box Includes:​
  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Online content production design*
  • Website facelift (your current website, up to 4 pages)
  • Mobile site (as above)
  • SEO monitoring for 12 months**
  • Google AdWords Campaigns for 12 moths***
  • Social Media Campaigns for 12 months****
*Cost of producing contents is not included, for example, photographer, videographer, graphic designer's fees
**We regularly monitor your SEO performance online, however, all adjustments need to be applied by you
***Active Google AdWords account required.  The cost of promotions is not included.  
****We strategize your social media campaign, however the actual promotions and adjustments needed to be applied by you.

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Media Content Marketing 

Simply we're great story tellers. Your story tellers.

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