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We are a crowdsource-base Content Marketing Consulting company that THINKS differently.   Not only THINKS differently, we also approach marketing differently.  We exclusively work with non-for-profit organizations and small businesses that are often new or unfamiliar with the concept of BRANDING and MARKETING.    


We are the absolute experts in STORYTELLING!  Every staff member has a solid background of creating brands and visual stories as journalists, copy writer, news directors, film producers, infographic designers and visual curators.  We know how to create your story and how to sell your story to the right audience.  Any creative person can create and produce content, but it doesn't mean the person can tell a great story, you need a team passionate about what you do to tell your precious story to the world.  


Content Marketing is about telling stories.  Storytelling-marketing is about emotional connectivity between you and your audience.  

Storytelling-marketing equires well-designed & planed CONTENT that tells the same story consistently which eventually build your own brand identity.  Content marketing is about sharing information that is important and valuable to your audience.  

Content marketing=Storytelling-marketing is about creating emotional connections between your products/cause to your audience's everyday lives.  Stories trigger emotional responses. Stories inspire people to take action.  And a great thing about nonprofits and small businesses when it comest to content marketing is that it is easier to tell your story to your audience because your story is already intimate, personal, emotionally provoking and mostly singular voice (identity) compare to some other large corporations.  


Today, there are over 3 million non-for-profit organizations in the world and 28 million small businesses in the U.S. alone, and the number is growing rapidly.  So what do you do to stand out in the crowd?  What can you do differently to run successful campaigns to achieve your goals? 


Online marketing, Inbound/Outbound marketing, Branding Segments, Social Media Marketing/Campaigns, SEO, ROI, CRM, Web Content Strategy, Online Content Management, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager...and what's the difference between CTR, CPC and CPM, and what about Landing page vs. Homepage?  Is Facebook promotion better than advertising on Yelp?   


We are here to provide the most cost efficient solutions for your organizations and companies so that you can spend your time and resources on your passion projects/businesses.  

Contact us today to find out how we can help to grow your business within your budget! 





About us

5 easy steps to improve your website today!

Media Content Marketing 

Simply we're great story tellers. Your story tellers.

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